Work diary mate is the easiest and most intuitive work diary assistant and log book checker there is. Truck driver exemption log in duplicate for less than 100 mile radius. This practical, training tool has space to record evaluation of attitude, general progress, punctuality, attention to safety, log preparation, and. Hours, minutes, and seconds calculator dollartimes. Even with daily use, log books can also be protected well, kept organized and intact with j. A driver training form with a driver s daily log on the front and a student evaluation report on the back.
Easy hos recap calculator for android discussion in trucking electronics, gadgets and software forum started by alex6999, may 28, 2012. In conclusion, figuring out the 70 hours in 7 days is most often where drivers get there log book violations. Log book companions, log calculator, trucker log, log ruler. Makes it easier to keep daily log book entries accurate and uptodate. Buy products related to drivers log book products and see what customers say about drivers log book products on free delivery possible on eligible purchases. Drivers daily log books, truckers log books, canadian. Work diary mate work diary, heavy vehicle log book. Most drivers must follow the hos regulations if they drive a commercial motor vehicle, or cmv.
It also shows time or date when other functions are not in use. Calculating work cycle cdl log books log books videos. Fill out exactly what the formula is on the calculator on the sheet on the inside of your logbook. Trucker log chek calculator 8558746r warns drivers when they are exceeding weekly hour limits.
Buy products related to driving log book products and see what customers say about driving log book products on free delivery possible on eligible purchases. It can convert seconds to minutes, seconds to hours, hours to minutes, or virtually anything else. With the simple push of a button, log chek computes nextday hours available for either 60hour7day or 70hour8day cycles. You can put any numbers in the boxes, even decimals and negative numbers. Driverlogbooks also helps drivers logging tasks easier and faster by providing them with essential log book companions like log calculator, clear log rulers and pens. This set of logbook examples help explain the various provisions of the hoursofservice rules. This can be useful to add up the amount of time youve spent doing something, like a log book for example. In general, a cmv is a vehicle that is used as part of a business and is involved in interstate commerce and fits any of these descriptions. The two restart provisions that are currently suspended are not included in this set.
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